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Murphy’s Law dictates that the broken antenna part is just out of reach when mounted on a tall mast, and these mast steps provide the extra reach needed. 

Our mast steps feature a two piece clamshell clamp, fastened with grade 5 hardware.  The clamping surface area and friction are incredible, and once tightened, will never slip. 

The standing surface is covered with a non-slip grip tape.  Each standing surface is 1.5” wide by 6” long,  and comfortable to stand on; no sore feet!  They come in a hot dipped galvanized finish which will outlive your tower.

     Mast steps fit on 2” O.D. or 3” O.D. masts only, and your mast must be 1/4” wall thickness or greater.  Climbing safety protection needed while in use.  Obviously these aren’t for everyone.  Consider getting help, using a crane, or consulting a professional when working at heights.



Mast steps for 2” OD mast only                                      

Mast steps for 3” OD mast only


I received the package today, regarding the mast steps, OMG !!! Those are awesome!  I feel those clamp/steps could hold the weight of two heavyweight pro wrestlers, hi. Quality is what that means. Thanks and 73's.

Dominic W5GDM

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                          MAST STEPS
User Reviews:  What are other hams saying about these products?
Made on a Mac




These steps have a clever and robust design with clean welding and excellent galvanizing.  My tower installer had never seen them before and was most impressed.  You can bet your life on these, literally. Gary  NA6O

